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Research Group | Dr. Vicente Rico Ramírez


 Research Advisor



University Emeritus Professor, Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

 PhD Students



Jaime got his BS degree from the Universidad de Guadalajara in 2013. He worked at Celanese for about 6 months and then got his MS degree from the Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya. He is currently at the University of Wisconsin in a research stay. His interests lie on the formulation of mathematical programming models for sustainable and economically-feasible



Guadalupe got her BS and MS degrees from the Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya. She has developed mixed-integer programming models for the optimal production planning of both biofuels and shale gas. She is currently working on the formulation of models for sustainable water management and for the application of game theory to pollution trading.



Born in Gualmatán, Nariño (Colombia). Nelson got his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) and his MS degree from the Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya. He is currently working on the food-energy-water nexus, trying to incorporate social aspects into a process systems engineering based approach.

MS Students



Alexis got his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad
Veracruzana-Coatzacoalcos in 2018. His research project involves the
development of fractional dynamic models to represent the interactions among the species of microbial



Javier got his BS degree from the Tecnológico Nacional de México in Pachuca. He is also working on the food-energy-water nexus, but his idea is to approach the nexus by considering the water management and the climate temporality in agricultural regions using different farming practices.

Former Students

PhD Students

Sergio Frausto-Hernández

Moisés A. Petriz-Prieto

Fernando I. Gómez-Castro

Pablo T. Rodríguez-González

Francisco López-Villarreal

MS Students

Aarón Ortiz-Gómez

Sergio Frausto-Hernández

María E. Huerta-Garrido

José M. Ponce-Ortega

Jesús De lo Santos-Juárez

Jesús García-Tierrablanca

Ariel Mijangos-Manzo

René Yamamoto-Arana

Hugo Camero-Vega

Héctor Cañada-Jaime

Adrián A. Sánchez-Álvarez

Juan F. Cambero-Benitez

Noé I. Bello-León

Francisco Gómez-De la Cruz

Carlos Axel Díaz-Tovar

Jesús A. Ortiz-Cruz

Fabricio Nápoles-Rivera

Francisco López-Villarreal

Miguel A. Reyes-Mendoza

Mónica Valdez-Arreola

Oliva Ramírez-Enríquez

Jesús Martínez-Lizardo

Victor M. Cruz-Cruz

Claudia C. Torres-Hernández

Rasiel Toledo-Hernández

Sergio Damián-Vázquez

Raúl Zambrano-Rangel

Jaime Garibay-Rodríguez

María G. Laguna-Martínez

Francisco Jímenez-Velasco

Aurora C. Munguía-López

Julio C. Barrera-Martínez

Ana R. Millán-Márquez

Nelson D. Ortega Morán